Wednesday, 26 August 2009

New sidebar links: Why follow this blog and Recommended books

Two or three people have asked me to put up a clear post about the aims of this blog. As a temporary measure I've put something at the top of the sidebar. I will however post in more detail about this as soon as possible.

Much lower down the sidebar I've begun a recommended book list for the Year of the Priest and Spiritual Mothers in particular. I only had time to list three. Please help me add to the list by putting your recommendations in the combox, or by email at

God bless. Time for bed here in France..


  1. This sounds like another great bookwriting project..... (hint)

  2. Now, Clare, what on earth can you possibly mean?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I just finally received a beautiful hard bound book, "Sermons of the Cur of Ars" and will be following it along on the corresponding Sundays. Perfect, of course for the Year of Priests.

  4. Thanks Patty. I'll put in the list tomorrow.
    God bless always,
