Wednesday 6 January 2010

A Wondrous Epiphany in St. Romain and in my heart 2: "The Journey to Epiphany"

My goodness me, that was a nerve-wracking few hours! Thanks to Mark (see previous post) for holding the fort and to his Mum for her calming influence and kindness when I phoned for Mark's help and he was out! He returns to work tomorrow. Please pray for him and his Mum.

I think some of you must have answered his plea for prayers because I eventually solved the problem and won't bore you with details. His quote from Robert Burns was apt, but it's second line, in this case was proved wrong:
"And leave us nought but grief and pain for promised joys'"
Well I had a taste of the grief and pain for a while, but the promised joy is unabated. This I am determined to share with you tomorrow if the Lord wills, but it is late now, so I will leave you with the words of my favourite English Epiphany hymn, handed on to me, like so much else that I love in English Literature and hymnody, by my father. Its words and tune always come into my mind after December 31st and I intended them to be part of my next post in any case. I was looking for a YouTube rendition when the 'crash' occurred. Will continue the search tomorrow.


Brightest and best are the suns of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness and lend us Thine aid;
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.

Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining;
Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall;
Angels adore Him in slumber reclining,
Maker and Monarch and Saviour of all!

Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion,
Odours of Edom and offerings divine?
Gems of the mountain and pearls of the ocean,
Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine?

Vainly we offer each ample oblation,
Vainly with gifts would His favour secure;
Richer by far is the heart's adoration,
Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.

Words: Richard Heber 1783-1826
Tune: Joseph F. Thrupp 'Epiphany', 1853

A demain DV.
God bless you for your patience.

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