Thursday 15 October 2009

Spiritual Mothers' Thanksgiving Novena: Day 2: Happy News from Spain

Day Two:

Opening prayer as on every day of this Novena ending, " We thank You that your Providence should have arranged for the following to happen."

Women's Group of Nocturnal Adorers in the Diocese of Granada, Spain:

I have been informed that most of the women in this group would love to be spiritual mothers of priests. The priest who is in charge of them presides over their Vigils and invited one of them to talk to the group about spiritual motherhood. This priest knows the Archbishop, Mons. Martinez very well, because he is the delegate of Liturgy in the Archdiocese. He has also organised for the same 'mother' to bring Cardinal Hummes' document to the Eucharistic Adorers Group. This has already been emailed to some of the priests and will be printed and copied for more of them and for the group of Adorers. Also, I am told that the Liturgical office of the same Archdiocese has sent a letter to every single Parish introducing a special petition in each Holy Mass praying for our Priests and for more vocations.

Oh dear Lord Jesus, you know with what joy spiritual mothers will receive this news; we beg you to strengthen our resolve to support through our prayer and sacrifice, your beloved priests and their spiritual mothers in the Archdiocese of Grenada, and that we may with Your help and the protection and encouragement of Your dear Mother, strive constantly so that developments such as this one will spring up throughout the world.

Holy Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Holy Mary Queen of the Clergy, pray for the priests of Your Son.
St. Teresa of Avila, pray for them.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for them, and for their spiritual mothers.

Final prayer to the Holy Spirit:
"Come, O Holy Spirit..............." as on everyday of this Novena.

Deo gratias.

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