Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fr. Blake's initiative: English and Welsh priests' open letter in support of Pope Benedict's visit to UK.

Father Blake first posted about this on July 23 at his blog St Mary Magdalen During that first post Father suggests that perhaps it would be possible to set up something similar to the 'Confraternity of Catholic Clergy' which has been successfully operating in Australia for many years. Fr Tim Finigan has posted on the Hermeneutic of Continuity in support of Fr Blke's move and his gives some very useful links.

Fr. Blake has posted again today and when I last looked 20 priests had signed the letter. If you are a priest listed in the English/Welsh Catholic directory and have not yet seen Fr Blake's posts, please do go over there and consider signing.
If you are an English or Welsh member of the lay faithful I implore you to approach your own parish priest about this initiative. If he doesn't have the Internet, I'm sure responses would reach Fr Ray Blake by writing to him 'snail mail' at St Mary Magdalen Catholic Church. Brighton.

In the meantime, God bless and strengthen Fr. Blake and all the priests who have already signed the letter. May there be many, many more before the dawning of September 16.

In Christo pro Papa

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