Thursday 22 April 2010

Priests rally round the Holy Father in Rome

As the Zenit article points out, Wednesday's General Audience was marked by most enthusiastic support for the Pope. I cannot be the only one to have noticed, but everytime he has been under attack the faithful have turned out for the Audience/Angelus in considerably increased numbers, and each time have raised their voices to the extent that he can be left in no doubt as to the love and gratitude they feel towards him for doing what has to be done in the face of ignorant or deliberate calumny.

But this Wednesday, the priests of Rome were there too, accompanied by priests from other countries including the United States, and the Holy Father had a special message for them. Zenit interviewed some of them afterwards. If you have already read the report linked above, you will have found it a consolation in these difficult times. If you have not, then please do not miss it.

In Christo pro Papa

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