Monday, 17 October 2011

Apologies, explanations and future plans

Over past months and particularly since August this year, I have found it impossible to maintain this blog at the level warranted by its subject matter. I apologise for this and beg your understanding and forgiveness. Please be assured that I have not neglected the prayer life of a spiritual mother and have no intention of doing so. Also, a fair amount of private correspondence has resulted from the original initiative and that cannot be neglected.

In an attempt to improve matters and make it easier for me to post more frequent items of relevance to Spiritual Mothers and their friends, I have decided to record such items as part of my other blog, Thoughts from a Catholic Oasis - see here Such posts will usually appear under 'Spiritual Mothers' Community Room News' starting at number 1 and continuing in due numerical order. I've just finished a week's break from blogging and will be back on the Oasis later today.

This blog will remain as it is so that its links will still be available. As time allows I'll duplicate these links in the Oasis right hand sidebar.

God bless all here.